Before trusting an accountant or financial advisor
with some of the most important issues in your life,
determine his/her background, experiences and qualifications.
Since 1978, I've been a Certified Public Accountant,
specializing in income and estate tax planning for individuals,
small businesses and families. I review wills, trust
agreements and accountings for estates and trusts.
My experience includes:
- Five years of tax management at KPMG Peat Marwick
- Four years as Assistant Vice President in the Trust
and Estate Division Tax Department at Bank of New
- Ten years as Vice President of the Estate Tax and
Trust Accounting Department at Chase Manhattan Bank
When I opened my own accounting practice in 2001, I
drew on this varied corporate experience. Working with
many businesses and families, I help them map out financial
objectives, preparing income tax returns and in-depth
estate plans to enable smooth and successful business